Sunday, May 3, 2009

Got thru my first real Duathlon. Was considered a sprint type race because it was kinda short distance. Started with just over a mile run and did that in 7:24. Started out kind of fast with the top runners . Was cranking at under 7 min. pace for about 2/3rds of the run and then HAD to back off and averaged right around 7:07. Found my bike in the transition area and off I went. I am soooo slow on the bike! People I know shouldn't be passing me WERE passing me!!!! 3 words describe my biking... Pa-thet-ic. Anyways, that ended and racked my bike in the transition area and off I went on another run. This time 3 miles. Actually ran pretty good and smart for me. Usually go out too fast and can't maintan. This time started out fairly steady just under 8 min. pace and then tried to keep it right around 8 min. pace. 2 loops and I was done 8:09 pace and finish of 1 hour and 6 minutes exactly. Not bad.
Overall pace for both runs worked out to be about 7:55 per mile.

Happy with my runs (cha cha cha!) and not at all happy with the bike.

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